Working with Muni Derivatives? 

MuniManager is a comprehensive system designed for Broker-Dealers, Trustees and Institutional Investors. This versatile tool has a friendly user interface and can handle all TOB programs. The regulatory environment and municipal marketplace volatility are two factors that have made it more important than ever for clients to have timely online access to their TOB reports. MuniManager does just that by providing real time data and timely cashflow reports, daily position balances, residual investor reports, fee projections and more. The Solution suite can be integrated with a number of upstream and downstream applications in the client side and drastically reduces the time required to manage a bank’s Muni portfolios across Front, Middle and Back offices.

MuniManager uses the latest JAVA web technology frameworks and can handle different databases like MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL etc and Application servers like Weblogic, Websphere, Apache etc. The product is cloud enabled and can be customized leveraging Byte’s generic reusable libraries, interface layers and frameworks to suit specific business needs.

For Trustees

  •  Private and secure log-in to MuniManager
  •  Software tracks bond balances issued throughout their life cycle
  •  Data on how much is paid to underlying bonds and floaters
  •  Customized properties
  •  MuniManager currently used by several leading investment firms

For Investors

  •  Private and secure log-in to MuniManager
  •  See where bonds are going, as well as analytics with additional variables
  •  Input your databases and have MuniManager perform sophisticated calculations
  •  Partners with Numerix to deliver highly advanced calculations


Click here for more details.